In The Circle Of Love

  • We repeat the words in the works of the giant, we remain on the surface of the deep thoughts that touch the spirit of the emotional body. Inspired by love, I am driving the power of vision to the fullest extent of your perfection - The beach was burning with the passion of peaceful waves.

  • Your steps touch my heart, in your eyes I see new moments of smile. We forget the works of the passing things, I want only one moment of you that is perfect, beautiful and mystical. Strength loses hope in defeating faith, support my intentions in a new success.

  • How many questions I asked about the clouds above your head, how many new questions I have for things that I love and which I miss. Gold is cheaper than the true knowledge, you are an example of perfect beauty that shines on the silver sky.

  • I see the challenges and new victories that come in the time of great knowledge. Emotions swim on the hands of the ocean of happiness, be a boat that leads us to the famous paths of warriors. Every beginning has its end that begins in the hands of love.

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