Artistic Feelings

  • We show the path through the movements of imagination, opening new dimensions of reality with mystical ideas. Dreams become reality in word colours, we create fairy tales with the enthusiasm of a new dimension of incredible discoveries.

  • Training for courage crosses the bridge of memory, we fulfil the prophecies of karma on spiritual paths. We look for creative angles in the wave of change, old things carry intuitive enthusiasm through the filters of freedom. Start the future and surf on the consciousness of the ether, turn the ships of scented flowers on the princess's palm.

  • We run along the water as we make houses in the sand, we skip friends at the sea of ​interest with the idea of ​​personal justice. The most beautiful moments are created by graffiti on the walls of memories, we live for yesterday as the moments pass by the wind of time.

  • I feel your hand with the energy of passion, you have triggered the emotions of the volcano in me. You transformed the world into our adventure of a smile, lifting the spirit of realization on the art of my soul. You are my blessing in the most beautiful garden of human beings.

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