Random morning poetry

Good morning all, happy Sunday to ya eh!!

Areal shot of sunset over a farmhouse

I came up with this thought and some of these words last night while I was laying in bed trying to sleep, I didn't write them down then and there so I cant remember what all else I may have had, or how it really went in my head but Ill give it a shot. Im not much of a writer or a poet either, however as a younger fella, I sorta of got into liking poetry a little bit, but only when I was by myself. Its not an easy thing to tell a group of rough and tough boys, my mates that I was into poetry when you are a teenager.
But its the creative side of me that enjoys that kind of thing because it gets the juices flowing upstairs, and I like that... Makes me feel good, so why not do something that feels good eh?!
I came across a book once titled The rose that grew from concrete by rapper Tupac Shakur who was sort of a gangsta rapper, but who was also someone who I could justify to myself and others and say hey, look: This dude, who rapper of all people, is into poetry, so it brought this kinda cool factor to it which allowed me to want to indulge deeper into it.
This was how I felt growing up sometimes, and I know it wasnt a healthy way to look at things, but when you're a teenager, the need to fit in and follow long, surpass other necessary things sometimes...
It doesn't really follow any sort of method, but its words in form, which works for me :)


Sittin' here, head half cocked
Locked on portrait mode
Avoiding the fine line as to where it turns
That makes me lose my focus

Gripping tight this piece of tech
Mindlessly scrolling and lacking mota-
Vation I could use, to pick up a book, and
Teach myself a think or two

Scroll and scroll, then onto some more
From this to that, without conscious thought
I know what I need, what I must do
But the pull that it has, cannot be bought

It takes some power to shut that all down
In favor to learn, or build what I know
To comprehend the meaning of something you can read
Rather than banter with nothing for no reasonable need

Often though it just happens,
No justification until its over
No more time to look, its time to sleep
No more time to focus we know this

Drop the hands, turn the head
Close the eyes and un-tuck the bed
Times come to claim its victims
To steal their zzz's, and initiate dreams
Unsure if they'll be pleasant or wicked

Chance we must take
There's no other way
The dreams the are coming
There is no escape

So there we have it!!
Hopefully it comes out OK to others,

Cheers and happy Steeming


Im on a Boat lol

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