The President of My Country!!!!

Night and day the noise never dies down
Round the clock the streets are always busy
Filled with beings so mean to survive
Majority of them still with much life and strength in them
Youths so much determined to survive
Lagos providing the means
Yet, he says they are LAZY

So they spread across the country
Optimism written over their faces
With passion they do whatever they see fit
Some building businesses
Some rebuilding
Some bent on petty trades
All to survive
But he says they are LAZY

The teaming number of teenagers
Intimidating though but purpose driven
Passion to be educated consuming them
With the evidence of an average of 2million
Yearly, buying JAMB form
They don't want to be EDUCATED he said

So much institutes of higher learning in it
Filled to the brim
The lecture halls always over filled to capacity
Some sitting on the bare floor
Many hanging on the windows
All hoping to do his/her family proud
Competition so high
All determined to survive even in the face of
The disaster he has brought upon all
Only to get his commendation
"They want to receive everything for FREE"

An international disgrace he is
Causing many Nigerians in Diaspora
much pain
With contempt are they being treated
Courtesy of his ever irritating statements about the country he rules
First, "Nigerians are corrupt and Criminals "
Now, "The youths are Lazy, Uneducated and and wants everything free "

Nigeria, do you have a President?!!!!


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