I have powers
And I can also empower.
With my wand, I create new worlds,
And I bring forth life with my words.

In the beginning, there was nothing,
My world was just a blank thing.
I breathed words into the emptiness
And only stopped, when I was convinced of its sturdiness.
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In my world I have the power over breath.
Meaning, I choose to give life or death.
I choose what events will take place
And they take place at my own pace.

But I'm not a tyrant.
I listen to my subjects rant.
Sometimes they choose their own path,
I let them, as long as it's in line with my chart.
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My wand is my ink,
Bringing to life all that I think.
My world is my book,
Each book carrying a story brook.

My world is just a playground,
Compared to your mind which is my campground.
I build my worlds after I've mined
But they come alive in your mind

© @princefizzy

Writing is my hubby
Learning is my favourite
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