My Poetry Box: Sisters on a Journey

Please Love, trust, and honor your sisters as you honor yourself.
We are all finding our way, we are all doing the best we know how, we need each other now as never before.
Judgements and criticisms of each other cut deep wounds...
silently suffering the judgements of our sisters are often some of the deepest wounds that can be inflicted.
What is even harsher than the wounds is the turning away that breaks our bonds and leaves us stranded alone in a sea of doubt.
It is time to bind our ships together. We are on the same voyage and we may sail together fearlessly and supported by each other...even when we choose different ships in different colors and of different sizes, we are still Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Grandmothers and we are all sailing in the same direction...
the course and direction has been set for us by LOVE for our children and all children now and forever.
May we wish each other safe seas and always remember there will be rough seas for some along the way.
Those rough seas are when we will need each other most, it does not matter if we turn into a raging wave by mistake or it just hit us out of nowhere...
these are the times we need each other more than ever...
I open my heart and say a silent prayer that we will show up for each other NOW as never before
Much Love, Cheryl

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