Poet Wanted; No AIs Need Apply!

“ Artificial intelligence has the same relation to intelligence as artificial flowers have to flowers.”
- David Parnas

I object!

As an aspiring poet, I am really, truly irritated and massively annoyed when people post poetry online unattributed.

Did they write it?

Who wrote it? Or, should I ask what wrote it...?

I absolutely hate that—from now on—I'll be suspecting that a machine wrote the poem I'm reading...

We have entered the danger zone...

Will it from now on be incumbent on us poets to deny that a machine has written what we publish?

Heaven help us!


Which one wrote the poem? (source)

~Poet Wanted; No AIs!~

by Duncan Cary Palmer
(NOT an AI)

First Published on NOSTR
06 August 2023


Today I happened to pass by
Miss Gherity's Tea Room.
A posted notice caught my eye
Below her nom de plume:

"Poet WantedNot AI"
Is what the headline said.
"Intelligent, not Artificial"
So the subtext read.

I found myself in full accord
With what the poster stated.
How could a golem ever feel
What my heart's contemplated?

A robot's but an artifact,
While I'm a son of God.
I'd rather read a single word
Composed by flesh and blood.

For iambic pentameter
I care not how sublime—
Banged out by inorganic brains
Is just not worth my time.

No one wants a soulless poem
Cluttering their head.
Inspiration comes with breath;
Not from machinery dead.


I am a living, breathing poet... NOT an AI!


Who (What?) Wrote It? (source)

NOTE: Most of my posts contain hyperlinks to enlightening information.
ALL IMAGES are my own, open source, or used with permission.

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