Tribute to true love

Tribute to true love

Love could represent everything, as long as routine does not have its space, creativity will play an important role, while both engage in idealizing everything in its path. You torment my ideas, so I must convince you that I am your prince in the midst of your beggars.


With the ability to plan the act of kidnapping your heart, but not satisfied with this, I point to your intention, in my greatest ideal is my reward, hold you in my arms while the dawn alerts. You should be aware that I am dwelling on your intentions; you must keep in mind that I expect the same from you in. Not only are beautiful words what I offer you, they are made with conviction. I want to be loved with the same intensity with which I do it. Like the long-lived eagle that faces death, it sacrifices its beak and the feathers of its wings, knowing that it could die. Voluntarily plucks each of the feathers from its wings and star against the rock its peak, it seemed suicidal, but time will reward it with a new peak and new wings.


His faith was focused on passing the test and his hope in what he was able to achieve. Only the brave, immeasurable smile, waiting for the answer with the same intention. Easy is not choosing the ideal person to share life, the time I do not want to lose and that forces me to start over. I wish patiently that you can see within me the best I can offer.


There is a jewel of many carats that I do not want you to take and snatch while I am immersed in conquering you, making a fortune among them. It was impossible for me not to realize the beauty of the gem that you treasure inside.


We will join our interests and make a fortune with both, ensuring the future and making it prosperous and timely. We are going to unite our hearts to be sure, we will make time follow our path. The time will come to multiply our investments, while the value of our interests increases with the passage of time. The time has come to formalize our fortune, inevitably the heirs will be necessary, over time the assets will be revalued, it is necessary to have champions and heroines, they will defend the fruits and interests that the investment has always represented, it is time to distribute the interests of All this fortune that over time has exceeded the expectations of its investors, I am interested in giving you once again what I still have inside me, the great carat gemstone. I, in particular, keep looking for that same precious jewel, I still want to keep it close to mine. It is not secret to me that its value has increased a lot in the anticipated time of the opportunities. There will come a time when life will snatch and take away, as long as that happens, I will continue to reap the fortune of having you and offer me as an ideal sacrifice for our love.


You were, you are and you will be my opportunity to live, as a witness I have from the past, and as a guarantee of the future, I am present. Arduo has been the road, but pleasant to travel. When the time comes to hide the sadness and one of us manages to leave before, the memories will be buried along with the greatest treasure. The harvest has been the fruit of your uterus, whose seed will germinate in the future. Now, I'm here, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are with me, in case you keep sleeping, I'll awaken your intentions one more time. Now you can snatch my gems, happy to share them. Here I patiently wait for the one who became my girlfriend, for this reason she became the mother of my children, now I am facing a headstone bathed in nostalgia, for this reason, my mind is a commotion.


Someone told me once; Love is born, reproduces and dies. I know the first two, but the third for me is a mystery, I can only assure; Love, what was and will be.

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