My salute to @bleedpoet - hail kindred soul

So many kisses of blue
the crying tingle of fangs
the spearheaded lift of rain

Marks the path of the brain
finding a strange refrain
Creepers that twist our way
confine the day
cause dismay
lead astray
bullshit ashtray

Dump it out

feel the breeze
enjoy the sounds
wonder abounds

the pressure
go with your own flow

Cry havok
and let loose the thoughts a free!

Word smith
dancing on Jupiter
Lonely though the path may be


The only way to be

Let me free

Shouted from the corners of our mind

Sometimes the freed can be divine

Tremble at the useless political menopause

Yet show it your middle finger

Grab life by the pussy, the dick, the tits, the ass

Watch out for gas

Who cares what words you say
Let them be
Let them find their way

Crazed creative imbeciles and wizards live in our minds
If only we would occasionally grant them some time

Thus spoke @chaospoet the weird on the leash
A little Chaos Poetry or to some Bleed Poetry

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