We were unique [Poem] || Dedication


I know he was the only one
He carried silence everywhere
I screamed at all the mountains
I kept walking aimlessly
I know he was the only one

He was the only one who remembered you
He was the only one he loved without labels
I know he was the only one who kept quiet
He was the only one hiding all the letters
I know nobody understood that I was lonely

Wherever I go I will take you on a picture
Please stay close to every beat of my heart
I know he was the only one still in love with you
He was the only one who accompanied all memories
I keep keeping a permanent silence

You were special when you were alive
I could share all my hours with you
I know now you're still smiling in the skies
I miss seeing your eyes
Feel the heat of your hugs
I know I'm still alone keeping fidelity

Everyone surpassed your departure from this world
I'm still tied to you like you're alive
I miss all your smile when you lived
Now you are in a better place surrounded by angels
I would like to have the power that God has to save
Save many people with Cancer

Many children who do not deserve to leave this world
Many families who suffer and must accept a reality
Because there is still no cure to heal Cancer.

Original Content Creator

Created in honor for all those families who have lost a special and important being in their lives at the hands of this deadly disease.

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