The Will to Change [Day 2]

The Will to Change.png

        I’ve loan
        ed blood
        to soil
        ed hands

        violence that
        comes with
        a side of
        fries and
        a boy
        or tearing
        the legs of
        a spider

        my blood
        ied soil
        ed hands

        a crack of
        jaw or smile
        splitting the
        face of
        a boy
        with a side
        of stitch
        es and ice
        or cry
        ing the
        seems to
        have come

        my blank
        et in soil
        ed hands
        violet like
        d fruit or
        like eye
        s that catch
        the light

        I grasp at
        clasps that
        seal my lip
        s shut like
        my jacket
        I leave on
        to hide that
        I’m not


Rare for me to write something this vulnerable, but here we are.

A handful of years ago I was introduced to a book, 'The Will to Change' by Bell Hooks.

This book helped me in not only self-identifying as a feminist, but also understanding what that would mean for a CIS white man, often unprogramming a lot of my learned toxic masculinity and learning how to become and be an ally and find a voice to speak against problems (read "other men") while balancing the need for that voice to be one of support.

It's an ongoing process, but I'm incredibly thankful to Bell Hooks for setting me on a better path for my life.

When I was a wee lad, I got into a few fights with an older and bigger kid because he would pull the legs off of daddy long leg spiders; these never ended well for me.

I bought into a lot of toxic masculinity that was part of the culture of my upbringing, hiding bruises and writing them off and developing a self-depreciative complex to cope with being bullied for being strange: things like showing love for spiders, having an accent and lacking confidence.

So yeah, all this to say, Happy 'fuck every guy who searched "when is international men's day" on google' Day. Cheers.

Written for free-verse poetry maven @d-pend's amazing poetry initiative The 100 Day Poetry Challenge undertaken for Steemit School where @d-pend will be hosting a daily poetry show at 7 PM GMT - Advanced Group.

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