Written Words #4: The Sonnet of Autumn's Agony


As I walk along the grass

Wandering about my past

A certain semi-bald tree, I saw

And seems like its crying and muttering hello.

I stopped a few meters away

Feeling sorry for the tree and say

Don’t feel bad that you’re leaves were gone

Because I knew you’re still useful to everyone.

Of all the trees in this place

Why such tree like you I embrace

I want to hear the voice from within

But seems so hard to perceive the real meaning of pain

I can see the anguish straight from the stem

I guess summer is inside yet it seems like autumn in disguise.


This piece is written by various writers who goes by the pseudonym MC Kev Jan. Actually, I am one of these writers.

When I was in college, my professor in World Literature subject had the whole class to write a sonnet. We pairs in groups and decided to write a composition entitled "The Sonnet of Autumn's Agony". We used the initials of our first name to serve as our pseudonym. Let me give credits to the following other writers who contributed on this piece:

Mary Joyce Fresco
Charmaine Espero
Karla Garcia
Elena Biagtan
Vanessa Mendoza
JANette Fernandez


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