Poetry for Mothers who are Deceived by Monstrous Men

I am not a mother, but I could not imagine the pain of a mother who has been deceived by an awful man. I have wrote a poem for mothers who have been in that situation and who are hurting.

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Sadly, monsters aren’t under our bed.
Rather, monsters are handsome.
Charming, might even be said.

They weasel their way in,
making it feel safe.
God, do they know how to pretend.

These monsters tell you how you’re special.
They tell you how they love your offspring,
but trust that they know how to bedevil.

They appear protective,
of you and your loved ones.
You gush how you’ve been selective.

You feel confident,
In your choice that he’s the one.
His goodness seems evident.

There is no way to tell
there is a monster underneath,
but that mistake is what you dwell.

“How blind could I be?”
You ask over and over and over,
“Why could I not see?”

“He loved me, he loved them.
Oh my God, they were so innocent!
Will they ever be able to mend?”

When you think of his kind eyes
all you picture is a scowl of deceit.
Masking so many lies.

Your stomach once fluttered
with love and anticipation,
now it does in a revolting shudder.

You’re screaming inside
because you can’t take anything back
and nothing can be justified.

The damage is done,
you have failed at your most treasured job
to protect your little ones.

Know sweet mother,
you’re not alone in this deceptive world
with monsters roaming under cover.

These monsters know how to paint,
stroke away any concerns
ready to leave their shameful stains.

Please wipe away your tears.
Know that you couldn’t have recognized
the monster and all of his devious affairs.

The important thing is you’ve left
from his monstrous hold
and escaped his abominable nest.

The children are now spared
from his wicked hands
and no longer must they be scared.

Be the light coming out of a dark situation,
showing your babies
pure love and devotion.

For children need to know
that everyone with a smiling face
is not a monster ready to create a tale of woe.

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