Water the plants while I’m gone.


I sit in silence
In the cool glow,
Having come so far
From what I knew,
Having so much more to know.

Do I need the stresses?
Who am I trying to impress?

Just you I guess.

I should worry more
But I don’t think I’m ready,
Busy freeing demons,
losing badly,
Yet accepting it with a
Nod, inhale, exhale.

You, with your own cross to bear,
Or what have you.
In a separate sphere
Eyes that see what no one else can, eyes that have seen.

I see you. Even though you’re not here.

I paddle my boat across the cool lake, the nose of the boat caresses gently over the crests. The sun is warm on my skin and a soft breeze tussles my hair. My arms grow weary of paddling so I pull my oar in and let the water take me. I bask in the beauty of the green panorama spread before me, searching the shores for signs of life. Through the calm waters, little bubbles of submerged creatures break the surface. At peace, carried away, yet knowing with every moment I relax the struggle I face to return where I’ve been.

I’ll struggle to find my way back. I will carry the burden in my arms, fight against the very nature I found so serene. Back to your shore where I am safe to be, safe from the sea, safe from me.


In other news, painted my 🚣🏽


And tried out a Snapchat filter


Other than that, same same...




Hope you are well.

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