Crazy was the definition of the noise around
Buzz, guzz, fuzz was what surround
Still none, did my ears accommodate
Am I deaf already? sounds like hate words
When Bade finally got my attention

Their waves counts no more
Nor those people we see at the mall
Of what use is the cinema
When the mind tape keep playing the needed all
When did I get blinded to the amusing fairies
I couldn't see what they saw even with glasses

Nonsense, was termed what I utter
For what I say they couldn't hear
And what they understand I couldn't offer
Where had those words gone
That I say with ease and fun

If only they could understand the transition
That my blindness was about seeing something unseen
And my deafness is to hear the songs of the heart
And what I said were not mere words
For what I sing is now symphony
A song made for two alone

For in her eyes I saw honey from the future
Informing me of the bees I had to nurture
And the voice of hope oozes joy to my hear
And any other odd passage it hinder
For what I saw controlled my thoughts
And made my mouth utter things that are mysterious

The words were the same
But hearing it from her had more sane
Even though some were ill words
Hearing it from her made a perfect syntax
I could still see other people
But her view is the only one that cause ripple.

Talking with you is another world
For what I felt , I can't put in word
Everything around seems crazy
Though we are still much around the city
But deeply I got lost into you
And I loosed interest in every Who
And what kept me so much amazed
Was not speaking a word to each other
And they remain the best conversations we ever had.

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