The depression of the walker


Photo by Bárbara Salvatierra

Have you ever felt as if the sky itself was bruising your breasts?

Look, the depression lurking as if there was no cloud to cross and free, that phrase "the world is coming on me" is really present, as if there was no tomorrow, not even a today.

It's so easy to get to the point of wanting to give up what you are, and you're just there: on a lost street, at a damaged traffic light, waiting for a train or on the routes of a bus, only with the insistence of getting free of everything that surrounds you.

Wanting to get rid of the bad can be overwhelming, that is the senseless depression. You can smile, make smile, but deep down something is cutting down your feelings and not correcting because sometimes depression is like that, comfortable.

The smoke touches your teeth, your lips do not respond, broken by the cold, by life, that's where the depression lurks. Although science, psychology do not corroborate your mentality, your soul can feel depressed.

Nothing reads your soul, only you feel it, although there are reasons to be happy, it is only you against all odds and against the depression that sometimes enters because you want it.

Depression can be a vice, and even a unique and invaluable reason, because it makes you know yourself, see you in the darkest depth in which you can be submerged.

You feel ugly, in all aspects, gloomy with the most bitten heart in the world, but you know yourself, you learn to see yourself in this season of life and even if they say otherwise, even if they prescribe pills for depression, your human nature, your sense of reason, make you renounce all those who want to get involved in a positive way just to feel good about themselves.

The depression torments you, it anguishes you, it suffocates you, but it makes you drain anger, as if you accelerate so much that you arrive at the end calmly, breathing, for the first time in a long time.

Then you enter into discussion with two you, and the war of two beings begins to stay. Those who know you begin to ignore you and those who enter your life, begin to know something new even if they do not know it.

Depression can lead you to something new, after a long time, in mental agony: you are reborn.

There are no longer so many crying spells at night or so many damn sighs in the morning, because the depression goes away, it takes everything, even what you thought was precious and that deep down hurt you, it goes away and that is what you are and that you must rebuild.

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