The Tears of the Past in the Network Blockchain | Air Mata Masa Lalu di Jaringan Blockchain |


the past instantly swarmed the booth whose name similar vines
I was half on her back, half-sitting on the bed
the position was created in the middle of weariness
after the war with victory flags flying on the porch of our hearts

but we had a chance to roll out party
because the rush of the past
instantly across the network blockchain like lightning makes knot-rusty knot
from the words to the event and from the events to the words
shed vinegar on a wound
gushing at the gaping hole the heart
twisted tightly until now and later

concrete wall you place to docked the shoulder
keep solidly despite the iron bones shake
as if the entire words wounds and sores events
be in the loop securely blockchain
impenetrable the suffering
when the story on the screen the glass
it could make us laugh and tears

thou art so firmly behind the throne
then why the invasion was hurt my heart?

Lhokseumawe, May 12, 2018


Air Mata Masa Lalu di Jaringan Blockchain

masa lalu seketika menyerbu bilik yang namanya serupa tanaman menjalar
aku setengah telentang dan setengah duduk di ranjang
posisi tercipta di tengah keletihan
sepulang dari peperangan
dengan bendera kemenangan berkibar di beranda hati kita

tapi kita tak sempat menggelar pesta
sebab serbuan masa lalu
seketika melintasi jaringan blockchain seperti kilat menyambar
membuat simpul-simpul berkarat
dari kata ke peristiwa dan dari peristiwa ke kata
meneteskan cuka pada luka
tercurah pada lubang hati yang menganga
terpilin erat sampai kini dan nanti

dinding beton tempat kau sandarkan bahu
tetap kokoh meski tulang besinya terguncang
seolah seluruh luka kata dan luka peristiwa
berada dalam lingkar aman blockchain
tak tertembus derita
padahal cerita di layar kaca saja
bisa membuat kita tertawa dan meneteskan air mata

engkau begitu kokoh di balik singgasana
lalu mengapa serbuan itu melukai hatiku?

Lhokseumawe, 12 Mei 2018




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