Thoughts on a train: a poem

thoughts on a train...

i feel as though i am just coming out of the wood-work of a wretched labyrinth of thorny entanglement,
that has released from its viny clutches very few survivors.
the only wounds i carry are places where the thorns penetrated,
scars; beautiful reminders of my ability to heal.
a child once again, open-eyed and in awe of the world.
everything is beautiful.
my heart has retired from its perpetual ache,
it's no longer asthmatic,
but rather it's taking in huge cotton-candy flavored oxygen-enriched breaths.
i feel like a flower that has blossomed out of the blackened soil of a clear-cut, slashed and burned forest, pungent with medicinal properties the world has been ailing for.

and so it begins...

(written on a train in december 2007)

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