Your presence, poetry for you.

Your presence

When the presence of dew cool
Morning atmosphere
Of course your presence cool the mood
When the sun comes to shine upon the earth
Of course you are the one who is always present
Irradiate this heart

You're like air
If you are not possible any race
Will perish
Your beauty is like a full moon
The one that shines on the twilight is temporary
And I will remain the poet
Keep love in order to continue to grow understated

**BAHASA INDONESIA** # Hadirmu ![image]( Bila kehadiran embun menyejukan Suasana pagi Tentu hadirmu menyejukan suasana hati Bila sang mentari hadir menyinari bumi Tentu kaulah yang selalu hadir Menyinari hati ini

Kau bagaikan udara
Jika kau tiada mungkin semua rasapun
Akan binasa
Cantikmu bagai purnama
Yang menyinari senja walau hanya sementara
Dan aku akan tetap menjadi sang pujangga
Menjaga cinta agar terus tumbuh bersahaja

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