Jupiter in Scorpio: Face and Embrace Your Shadow


October 10, 2017 - November 8, 2018, Jupiter moves through Scorpio, the 12th house for Jupiter. In Scorpio, it is time to face and embrace the shadow, because Jupiter magnifies every sign it passes through. I get my astrological information from AstroButterfly and from Kaypacha Lescher with his weekly YouTube video Astrology For The Soul. Also, there is always astrological updates on the Higher Self YouTube Channel. Everyone has a shadow. But only when you shine light on the darkness can you really see what you are looking at. Oftentimes the shadow seems scary until the light comes on, then you realize you did not need to be afraid at all.


Evil are the hateful thoughts
That are in your mind
Evil are the barbed words
Fashioned to be unkind
Evil are the deeds
That seek to bind
Evil is not an exclusive club
It can blossom in anyone you will find
If certain seeds are watered
In the garden of the mind


Creation and destruction
Life and death
Love and fear
I tremble all over
When you are near
Pressing up against me
Breathing in my ear
I don't want to be afraid of you
But I am
I don't want to give in to your whims
But I do it again and again
You are not my enemy
Yet you are not my friend
I truly don't know
Where you end
And I begin
I pray for the strength
To live with you
Dear shadow
And not be overwhelmed
By your darkness

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