The Black Witchcraft Light [#Day 29] 100 Days Of Poetry Challenge (Bilingual Poetry)

The Black Witchcraft Light [#Day 29] 100 Days Of Poetry Challenge

The light of pride looked lighting in the middle of the stage.
People were competing for the roles.
The best drama was played to reach to be a hero
The pride was shown even on the stage of the drama

Source: Pinterest

The real life is like a stage of the drama
There haven’t been undivided roles
There must a director of life who change roles are.

Lulled spotlight sparkling
A heart was filled with the desires of life needs to be anything under the light
The thirst for recognition
The fighting for the main hero raises the dead-feud!

Everybody should enjoy his show
Because everybody must be able to have his/her own light of fame
Because everybody is the main hero for his/her own story

Source: Pinterest


Sihir Lampu Sorot [#Hari Ke-29] 100 Hari Tantangan Berpuisi

Cahaya kesombongan terlihat mencolok di tengah panggung.
Orang-orang memperebutkan peran.
Sandiwara terbaik dimainkan untuk memenangkan pemeran utama
Kesombongan dipertontonkan meski hanya dalam panggung sandiwara

Kehidupan nyata seperti panggung sandiwara
Tidak yang seutuhnya memiliki peran-peran
Ada sutradara kehidupan yang berhak mengganti-ganti peran

Gemerlap Lampu-lampu sorot melenakan
Hati yang dipenuhi nafsu duniawi ingin menjadi apa pun di bawah soroton
Rasa haus pengakuan
Perebutan pemeran utama memunculkan permusuhan

Seharusnya setiap manusia menikmati pertunjukan
Karena yakinlah setiap manusia memiliki cahaya ketenarannya masing-masing
Karena setiap manusia adalah pemeran utama untuk kisahnya sendiri

About The Challenge

I’m a beginner writer in English.
This poetry to be a part of 100 Days of Poetry Challenge from @d-pend If you wondering about this challenge, please visit about 100 Days Of Poetry Challenge
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The Result

DAY 21: Can’t Live Alone

DAY 22: Robot

DAY 23: Steemit Is A Bridge Of Love

DAY 24: The Soul Of Poetry

DAY 25: The Angle Of Thingking

DAY 27: Disappointed

Day 28: Love Story



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