When I Fall - An Original Poem - Steemit Exclusive ( A new Experimental Piece hope you like it :P )


When I Fall
I want you all with me

When I Fall
I want none of you

When I Fall
Everyone's laughing

When I Fall
Do I feel pain

When I Fall
What is left on the floor

When I Fall
Will I stand up

When I Fall
Would anyone care

When I Fall
Two like me will rise

When I Fall
I will be still climbing

When I Fall
I fly to meet the ground

When I Fall
I find the meaning of all

By Angel Veselinov

What you guys do when you Fall ?

I have red in today's daily dose one really nice piece and post from @quillfire . It was about how poets suffer from suicidal tendencies and some poetry was compared. I think this poem is a quite an example of the suicidal types because I used 'I' too much. But than at the same time the meaning is different so I don't know. Take it for what is worth and be sure I am no where near to suicide yet... God Bless You All Peace and Love.


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