A Spark Breathes A Blaze | Poetry


radiate light
avoid devouring the anchor that sustains.

its easy to slide and get disorientated in the fever
of our very own nature
and merely burn up
rather than applying light to our reality.

the fevered exonerate wars
rationalize torture and other human evil.
lost in their own fire
for the sake of superiority on their journey.


no matter how far your attain
from spark to blaze
distance is but an hallucination.

you who is equal to your companion before you
igniting their flint.

from the humble and contingent spark
a robustious blaze will rise.

no use for fever
there is real heat to instigate.

I seem to be forever making a comeback, Thank you, my lovely followers for always being patient 💜 - [even those times when it feels I am having an inspiration melt] 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

& for anyone new who may have stumbled across my page and like my writing, please follow me for more 💜 - I am always very happy to get your feedback and chat to all you lovely people of steemit from all walks of life, all over the world xxx

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