ADSactly Poetry - What will you decide today?

What will you decide today?

How are you doing this fine day/evening?

I often think about the world and everybody who lives and breathes on great mother earth. There are so many changes every day in the way we live and the way we choose to live. Unfortunately, a lot of these changes are not good for the planet and the people who reside on this planet as well. So I write about the things that are very important to me as a human being which in turn is very important for the rest of the people on the planet as well.

Lack of consideration for one another is just a few words I can think of that best describes what is happening in the world of today. We are becoming a society of self-centered individuals rather than living like tribes of the past.

Let me explain in the best way that I can. In the old days, no one was left out in the cold, without food or shelter. No one person had more than the other because the tribes would not allow this to happen. Everyone was given what they needed to live and live well. Everyone received the same respect and everyone was treated as an equal. The tribe would work together as a whole. They would work together to get the best end result they could that would benefit the entire tribe.

Now-a-days, everyone is more concerned about themselves. The act of helping each other to move forward is a thing of the past. Making sure that everyone is well fed, taken care of in times of need, working together to make everything could for everyone is gone. Society has become selfish and less caring about the needs of others.

Pass it forward was a failing project. Great idea but didn’t go viral as it should have. So in the end, there are millions of people who will not survive another day while others live on big boats, travel the world in leisure and live as if everything in the world is okay as long as it doesn’t affect their personal assets.

I hope you enjoy the poetry even though parts of it seem dark and in despair. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, always. Be blessed and live in peace. Be a part of everything around you and help where you can in any way you can.

The final hour - Image source,

This first poem is about the way technology has advanced so much and left us in times of need. It is segregating us from each other. Keeping us away from what is important and how the governments of the world really want us to be. “It is easier to stand against one than many” “It is easier to control what is in your hand than what is all around you”. Think about this real deep. Isn’t this what the governments of the world are doing today? Yes, it is. Now my words about this exact subject.

“Our final hour of sleep” 3/15/2018

Musical softness no longer rises into the air,
Magical songs of birds dead on the ground.
Gases of industrial poison raises its dark head,
Killing the natural resources no longer found.

Roses of beauty disappear into the darkness,
The strength of old oak collapses into the dirt.
The sky turns dark from pollution lingering,
As we inhale with no symptoms of pain or hurt.

Oceans of life crash mangled upon the shores,
Blue waters turn to brown then fill with red.
Extinct is the common among creatures of the day,
Progress becomes concrete buildings of death.

Majestic sunlight now blasting rays of disease,
Ozone layers wiped away with sighs and tears.
Technology moving faster than the speed of light,
Causing mass chaos and creating new age fears.

Human passion sinking deeper into an all time low,
Human interaction ruled by gadgets of financial war.
Beautiful places of natural growth torn down each day,
Mother earth releases storms of cleansing to even the score.

Human lives washed away in powerful natural disasters,
The time for renewal begins to take its final toll.
And we as mankind can only sit back and wait patiently,
For this manifestation we have created to hit home.

Our Songs now written and our beds now made,
As pools of blood of our families continue to fill deep.
Our souls have been sold and we’ve been paid in full,
As we begin to journey into “our final hour of sleep”.

So hear me now and listen real close,
There are things we must do every day.
We can not let this continue for very much longer,
Hear my words as I speak, kneel and pray.

We must wake up and smell the coffee,
We must see the beautiful roses in bloom.
We must be heard with our powerful cries,
We must stand strong and remove all this gloom.

We truly are the ones with the power,
We are millions of souls ready to fight.
We are strong in numbers if we gather as one,
We are the ones with the blessed site.

The final hour - Image source,

Love in abundance - Image source,

Do any of you know the story of Johnny Appleseed? Well the legend is a much better story than the actual real life history other than John Chapman (Better known as Johnny Appleseed) was a devote Christian whom spread the word of the gospel to everyone he came in contact with. The real history is that Chapman planted apple orchards for profit in the making of alcoholic apple cider. In the legend, he planted seeds in forest along his travels in order to bring life, food and color to the world.

He was known to wear threaded wardrobe that was very plain and a tin hat. He was a very strong believer in animal rights which included insects. He was mainly a vegetarian and never hunted. Story has it that he never married or even had relations with women because he wished to enter the kingdom of heaven abstinence and believed he would be rewarded when he entered the pearly gates of heaven. He, in legend, was considered a folk hero. So this goes out to all the hero's of the world. This can include everyone on the planet. Those who do their part to help the world become a better place.

“Rebuild love in abundance” 3/12/2018

Johnny Appleseed’s of the world please hear me,
Your dreams of the world today lye hidden.
While capitalist dominate the true dreamer,
With false words of poisonous deception.

Melting magical moments too fiery liquid,
Reforging their essence too controlling Armour.
Selling it in subliminal messages through the media,
As they lead us into their transformation parlor.

The government leaders of each continent,
Are mere puppets for our personal entertainment.
But we support them as if they really do care,
And dive deeper into to their hypnotizing enslavement.

Voices of our dead ancestors trying to show us,
The true pathway to happiness lye's just north.
But we listen not because we are all manipulated,
Into continuing to the right, just off course.

Open your eyes and ears young strong hero’s,
Rise up and lead the way that only you can.
Show the blind of the world the true pathway,
And spread your insight across this conquered land.

“Rebuild love in abundance” in every heart seeker,
Rebuild spirit in every keeper of blessed souls.
Then connect them all in the beautiful circle of life,
And relieve all the illness, anger and sorrows.

Rebuild eternal love everlasting once again,
And let us hear the inner strength bell chimes.
Rebuild the hope and dreams of billions,
And together again, we will live in peaceful times.

Johnny Appleseed - Image source,

Free bird or caged bird - Image source,

This next poem is about a very simple but complex idea. The idea of making choices for the good of humankind. Simple in the fact that if we all made choices that would improve our way of life, not technologically, but yet in helping others to have a greater chance at having a better way of life. Choosing to be free from the ruling of society. Choosing to be free from dictatorship and censorship. Choosing to be free period rather than a puppet of those who rule this destructive world now.

Complex in the fact that there is so much pressure from society, peers and financial institutions that making the right choice can bring harm to our own success. Can bring them down or make them look bad in front of what they consider, the important ones. The ones that can bring them to the top or push them down into the unknown.

Society today is very selfish. They are self-centered, reserved to themselves and have very little care of those in need. They would rather just ignore the problems of the world as long as they are doing okay. But this way of living comes with a great cost. Giving up your freedom to meet the standards of others.

And when they have plenty, more than enough, they will keep it to themselves rather than share the wealth with others to help the world become a much happier, better place to live. They are puppets of the rich and free to do as they are told to do. Not what is right, but by the rules of their class they have fallen into.

This is the last of my three poems. I hope I have brought light to some of the atrocities of today. I hope people will read my poetry and begin going against the grain. Help create a much better world for our children so they can achieve success in everything they choose and make the right choices so that everyone can have a much happier fulfilled life. Have a blessed awesome day. Love, Jeronimo Rubio

“Free bird or caged bird? You decide” 3/16/2018

A Free bird goes soaring,
Through blue skies of heaven,
Time never has no meaning to he.

A bird in a cage,
Feels loneliness and despair,
With wishful dreams of being set free.

A free bird sees sunlight,
Endures the pleasant sweet warmth,
Wherever they wander and happen to be.

A bird in a cage,
Sees sunlight in their dreams,
Once remembered in old times of glee.

A free bird eats hardy,
As they would please every day,
And wherever they may happen to roam.

A bird in a cage,
Eats when they are feed,
And wishes that they were back home.

The free bird lives full,
Their live as they so wish,
Always happy for most of the day.

A bird in a cage,
Wishes they were somewhere else,
And only of how they can eventually get away.

So I ask you this day,
Are you the free bird with a voice,
That sings all day songs beautiful filled with joy.

Or are you the bird in a cage,
That only dreams their life away,
And will die hungry, sad and all alone.

Because its really up to you,
The choice is all yours,
Only decide and you one day will see.

That we all can be happy birds,
And our choice is the only answer,
For us to spread our wings and eventually be free.

We can all be a free bird - Image source,

Poems and text are authored by @jeronimorubio

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