ADSactly Poetry - Three poems about dangerous lifestyles

"Three poems about dangerous lifestyles"

Break Away - Image source

A good explanation for the poems you're about to read would be living in today's world. We are all reactions to our own actions. We are responsible for the way life is today. We are not innocent in any way. What we choose is a choice we make for each other. We blame it on the governments but we vote for what we are dealt in life. We must take a stand as one. Let the world hear our voice and let the governments of the world see our action.

This first poem is about the rules and regulations we are supposed to live by. Yet the rules and regulations keep us prisoners of the governments that rule over us. Taking away freedoms we thought we were entitled to but never really had.

We are like mindless robots walking around aimlessly through life. Ignoring all the freedoms that are taken away from us every day. We need to speak up and stand up or we will be lost forever. We have the power. We are the voice. We are the answer. Each one of us has a choice. We just need to come together as one and make the right choice. Put aside our own indifference and vote for a better way of life. A true Quality of life.

Break Away - Image source

“Break away”


When your relatives go missing,
And cannot seem to be found.
Don’t go blame the government,
If you find them hidden underground.

Your Safety is guaranteed,
If you bow down to our rules,
But disobey our written instructions,
And watch us turn into howling ghouls.

If your poor and on the street,
Don’t turn to us for any help.
We do not endorse a quality of life,
To your pathetic begging self.

We will let you into our circle,
As long as your attire is perfect.
But we reserve the right to ignore you,
If the color of your skin doesn’t fit.

Your Reservations are set,
You have got a ticket in your hand.
But we do not promise on our side,
that we will eventually let you in.

Your Travel arrangements are made,
And your luggage is packed away.
But if someone more important arrives.
You’ll have to sit back and wait.

If you don’t understand English,
We’re not sorry for your inconvenience.
Maybe you should have studied more,
Before traveling to our land of proper etiquette.

Freedom is not given freely,
In this great land of persecution.
So take a seat over there to your left,
And we’ll begin your transformation.

If you happened to be stopped and detained,
We will get to your interrogation in awhile.
You must have been selected correctly,
And met one of our watchful profiles.

Your Innocent until proven guilty,
An urban legend at best.
The police will begin your beating soon,
No need to make any requests.

Your rights haven’t been given as of yet,
We will decide if you're sound of mind.
And only after we slam you into a cage,
Will we feel you'll be worth the time?

Your country’s religion isn’t working,
We feel it’s worthless and corrosive.
So we’ll be making plans real soon,
To begin our air raids of explosives.

The people of today need to realize,
That our governments are the ones at fault.
Not religion, not color or culture,
We need to bring this way of life to a halt.

Because if we allow it to continue,
All freedoms will fade into darkness.
Quality of Life will become a Myth,
And the world will conform to the blindness.

Stand up and begin a new journey,
Take pride in who you are now.
And “break away” from the mindless wandering,
Of government controlled herds of cows.

This poem is about the shootings in the schools of today. We need to protect our children better. We need to bring families together and help them with their children. Too many children of today live a very abusive lifestyle. They have no one to talk to, look up to and ask for help from. They are emotionally and mentally disturbed because of the life they are forced to live.

If we, as a society come together and help each other. No child will want to use a gun on each other. We need to have better control and better rules of bullying in schools. This is getting way out of control and we need to put an end to it now. We need to help encourage our children to be strong and love themselves and everyone around them.

We must raise them right. Teach them to have respect for everyone and everything. But it all begins with love. Love is the answer and the cure. We must teach them to care. To put value in life. Put the value in their own life. Once respect and love have been taught, then they can begin to heal and help heal the world. We must become a "one world community" plain and simple. Love, Jeronimo Rubio

“Fast moving metal”


Fast moving metal - Image source

Sounds of “fast moving metal”,
Fill the air in a schoolyard of fright.
Bullets cut through their skin,
Like a stalker who kills in the night.

Innocent bodies lay lifeless,
Screams of terror echoing in the halls.
Classrooms filled with blood flowing,
As another child is hit and falls.

Sickness sends chills through their skin,
While confusion enters their mind.
As the madman whose hidden in child's clothing,
Continues firing as if they were blind.

No immediate target is needed,
Spraying lead as they watch them run.
Just meaningless thoughts of deception,
Why life sucks and has never been fun.

Sirens rushing to the massacre,
Guns pulled and aimed at their head.
A problem child stands in fear,
As bullets race to their death.

Is this another victim of circumstance?
or maybe another abusive story untold?
And who will hear it now,
As their body lies still growing cold.

Talks of gun control off in the distance,
But no one can come to a logical conclusion.
So bodies keep piling up on the ground,
While politicians ignore the solution.

Will you allow this stupidity to continue?
As you bury your children once again.
Or stand up and raise your voice loud,
To bring this destruction of life to an end.

One nation under God they say,
In God we trust is stamped everywhere.
And yet little angels lye in pools of blood,
As politicians of the world don't seem to care.

In the world today. I know we have so many reasons to be angry. Our governments are insufficient, inadequate and, really, just don't give a damn about anything but themselves and their pockets. Unfortunately, "It" is what it is". But to bring this anger home to our family, our friends, our loved ones is just plain "stupid". It sure doesn't help us get along any better and eventually tears us apart inside and in life.

A wise man once said "Imagine the power anger has. If we can just take the power of anger and turn it into something positive. Imagine what we would be able to accomplish. Imagine the change to the world, for the better we could bring". What powerful words these are. Anger is destructive. Anger causes harm to everything around us. Anger is what brings us loneliness. Anger is the bringer of sorrows.

Reasonable thinking is needed today. Calm conversation in place of anger will get us through life much easier and happier. We must think before we speak, always. And then we can help create a world of love for all on great mother earth. Love, Jeronimo Rubio

Bringer of sorrows - Image source

"Bringer of sorrows"


I am the Bringer of Sorrows,
I am each moment of grief.
I am the final chapter,
As I watch you fall to your knees.

I am the word that is spoken,
My thoughts like a king of the land.
More tears I bring to the heartsick,
As I lead you to your end holding hands.

No color of skin do I bare,
Like clay, I form to what I need.
The frown on my face is dark midnight,
My veins filled with your life as you bleed.

My minions are war and destruction,
My demons are self-righteousness and lust.
Your weakness is the belief in my writings,
Of selfishness and misleading trust.

I fill your mind with visions of peace,
As I steal like a thief in the night.
I show you treaties of resolution,
While I enslave you and take away your rights.

My fool in the morning you become,
My mindless robot through each day.
And down to the grave, I will lead you,
As I sit, laugh and watch you decay.

Who am I in your mind you may wonder,
But I’d be a fool to ever let you know.
So I stay hidden as you dance to my bullets,
And watch you die in sadness very slow.

But you know me you see me each day,
I live deep in your own mind.
I’m the anger you try to control,
And destroys every part of mankind.

Take a close look in the mirror and you’ll see,
In your eyes like blood red domination.
I am you and the beginning of your demise,
That leads you to your own damnation.

I bury all the love in your heart,
Keep it hidden just out of plain sight.
If you could find it then I would be dead,
And once again you could live a good life.

So ignore me and continue my growth,
I like it, I think it’s much fun.
And when you take your last breath,
My job here on earth has been done.

Text and poems authored by: @jeronimorubio

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