ADSactly Poetry - Love is Still Strong

"Love is still strong"

Photography by Jeronimo Rubio

This post is all about the truth that love is still strong and growing. There are so many things in this world that are just wrong. But hope still lives and is growing stronger every day. People are starting to care about the environment more, people are going back to their family and tribal traditions more, lots of beautiful love songs are being written (Unfortunately, they can only be heard mostly, on internet or satellite radio) but they are out there if you look for them. Amazing things are happening today, and I applaud all of those who are helping the world to be a better place for our future generations.

As always, I love to try to contribute to the lighter side of life, where one can relax and enjoy the beauty of the world. Where you can step away from technology for a little while and smell the incredible fragrance of flowers in bloom, feel the wind rushing through your hair and enjoy the warmth of the great sun. Listen to the waves crash against the shore, listen to some relaxing, romantic music in the background ambiance and read some poetry or listen to some spoken word over a mellow drum and bass beat. I guess I am a true beatnik indeed. I love the beach culture especially.

So let’s get into some spreading of love with three new Love Poems for everyone to enjoy. I have written these for my fiance Vanja but I will keep them neutral so others can maybe use them one day for the one they love even if you just read something nice for them to enjoy. This first poem is about two humans, two spirits or two life vessels coming together and becoming one and how a true love becomes perfect. This poem is entitled, “My perfect true love”.

My perfect true love - Image source -

“My perfect true love” 3.25.2018

Every day we have new lessons to learn,
Through friends and loved ones alike.

But the best lessons are with our one true love,
That makes life shine through each day and night.

True hope so strong between the two of you,
That will grow at least 10 fold each day.

The new smiles shared with each new experience,
The laughter enjoyed by two in every way.

The collection of memories never to be forgotten,
Forever happiness within each and every one.

Eyes glowing like fireflies on the darkest nights,
Bodies energized like the great morning sun.

Feelings exploding with every single touch,
Hand in hand, as two lives become bound.

Soul-mates that are unique to each other,
Matching perfect, no flaws to be found.

Two wanderers in life who finally came home,
Two lovers in the night now no more.

Two people brought together by destiny’s hand,
Now intermingled with love for each other to adore.

This is me and you my beautiful princess,
Two souls that’s been merged into one.

My heart, my one and only for all life,
My wife to be, my perfect true love.

Photography by Jeronimo Rubio

Well, now the fire is started, the smoke is building and we are ready to move on to the next poem. This next poem is bout the excitement of love and being in love. How, when your with that special someone, it seems as if you are in a place that you have never been before and only the two of you are able to find this place when your together.

This place is a magical place where love is everlasting and you will grow old together here in your own magical space far away from the worldly events and struggles. Grow old yes, but love will flourish and grow stronger every second each moment you enter into this new brilliant world. A lifetime commitment. Never wanting because you have everything you’ll ever need with each other.

So let us begin this magical journey into the unknown except for you and the one you love. This is entitled, “Through all eternity”

Through all eternity - Image source -

“Through all eternity” 3.19.2018

A passionate kiss in a timeless moment,
As lips touch and ignite like a shooting star.
Arms reaching around our warm bodies,
Connecting inner feelings as we drift afar.

Off in the distance a light shines down,
Lighting up the eyes of two into one.
Romance shoots through our inner soul,
As a new kind of love has just begun.

Never a feeling of want within our life,
Having everything we will ever need.
For two have become one in the circle of life,
Forever in love is the way we will be.

The soft sweet touch of skin to skin,
A sweet whisper of words everlasting echoes.
Completeness now until the end of time,
Holding each other, and never to let go.

Just you and me, Beautiful queen of my heart,
You and me, a complete lifelong commitment.
You and me, two spirits found on one astral plane,
You and me, a new life with no limits.

So take my hand now and we will fly far away,
Where we’ll grow old but always will be.
In love, never alone, completely surrounded by beauty,
From this day my love, and through all eternity.

Photography by Jeronimo Rubio

This next poem is very important as it is how you will describe how much you love one another. How you make each other feel. How deep your love truly is for each other and how this union and love is blessed by the ultimate power from the spirit world in the great sky.

It is how everything done in love is blessed, some how some way and the bond that is created between the two people who live this way can never be measured. It just can’t. It is how every kiss, every touch, every moment is magical and special.

So let us finish this journey through love with this final poem entitled, “I love you so much”

Through all Etermity - Image source -

“I love you so much” 3.14.2018

I love your eyes as they dazzle in the sunlight,
I love them when they sparkle under the moon.
I Love your Smile because it lights up my day,
How your smile brings to memory our love tunes.

I love your skin so soft, like the touch of a feather,
How it caresses my skin like a soft ocean breeze.
I love your lips, like the sweet taste of fine wine,
How they always drive me straight to my knees.

I love your hair so beautiful like a midnight serenade,
Sung by the fireflies as they light up the sky.
I love your kiss, a magical sweet moment, every one,
A special love feeling, that I could never deny.

I love everything about you and forever I will,
Because you’re the ultimate special gift brought to me.
And forever and a day, we will remain one soul,
Connected through unconditional love, for all eternity.

I love you so much Vanja, our love is can never be measured,
As we endure an everlasting, breathe-taking special love.
And our union together is bonded by the ultimate power,
From the great skies and great spirit from heaven above.

I hope all of you enjoyed this journey of love I have taken you on. It was a very magical moment for me and I am so happy that I was able to bring you on the ride with me. I wish all of the world to enjoy love as grand and even better than this.

It is a wonderful thing to live in this magical world of love. It is a place that I pray all of us can join one day and meet on the astral plains of love together as one spirit. Enjoy your life and enjoy the love you have. Ten go out into the world and share it with the world as it was meant to be. You will always have my love to share coming to you on the winds of life. Love always, Jeronimo and Vanja

Poems, text and signed photographs are authored by @jeronimorubio

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