
One is Allah jindabad.

They pretend to be jealous hate and nudity;
We will say that peace is one of the peace of Allah, Zindabad.
Uhara sahuk narrowness, pigeon knob, clay dip,
We are the liberal sky, the constant light, the love, the indestructible.

Uhara Chahuk Das's life, we want martial doors;
They are afraid of death forever, where do you find Mora death!
They will not die, they will hide in the jugab bandhane,
They are still unsteady, but they do not even cry.

They are lifeless; Even at the heart of interest and lust,
They are genes, ghosts, yagas, they scold their faces in the face of lust.
Mora is the youngest young man of Bengal,
Please think of their fly ants, do not die, so please.

They are unbelievers in the unfortunate welfare of the people,
Unbelievers are evil-talking wrong-tongues
They say, will be atheists all the people, the hooligan
Moura said, will be a believer, Allah will be known to mankind.

Uncle wished; Mora Chahib apologize to her,
The ghosts are grazing and cremation, we want to catch Gulabahara!
Now in the western world, he is sentenced to severe punishment
Fear of fear of enjoying the return, all wants to seek peace.

Hutum pachara kohit kotre, not and sunrise,
Who does not want to tease him, even if his nails get tangled
The believer said, "I want light, light and light;
They do not want to suffer this turmoil due to this turmoil.

They say, if you pray for one with Him,
He will give the joy of the regular Eid to the dust world.
They want seven-color rainbow from seven heavens,
Allaah, the evergreen lord, receives whatever he wants.

Those who want turmoil, they will get it, see Ray brothers,
Let them go on their way, on our way we go.
They want the kingdom of monsters, the kingdom of Mera Alla,
Unlocated joy and happiness will be on this earth.

Moody's lack of nothing, the ever-changing mood,
Shankun shawl like a shawl - Shabbir!
Save alla in the mood, and do not go on the path,
One of the most beautiful God is our Lord.

It is good to be as bad as the world is, good to be,
The world of this animosity should be light in his love, light.
Let all the garbage be removed from all human beings,
His light should be lighted in this house by way of the house.

The people who looted the riots, their greedy, they are greedy
They will not see Allah's way of eternal peace.
They want nishidin bad, they want nishidin conflict,
The ghosts want srinitha rhythm, the molten limbs want to smell!

Chase the country's unarmed army from the country,
They are vaishyas, looted crops, they are always known, they are always known.
They're spider, do not go anywhere in their house, no one,
After getting trapped in the house, they did not see the waves of life.

Believe in an all-night breath every night,
Duldul - Aswar will get Allaah's sword in hand.
Those who want to sleep during the night and day,
They do not want the moon and the sun, they are dirty-muddy creatures.

Always the young man, the SS is the young man who is the SS
Tired of all-time, you are the eternal alliance!
The way they tie the mud - their weapon is Nandabad,
Mora flowers will beat them, say I - Allah Allah.



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