The Feather Messengers


In the wind brushing within your circumference
Just a reminder that you are greater than and never less
As you journey, you will be kissed by the wind and pushed
In all the directions that serve you best.


In your pathway, on your doorstep or in your hand
Whispering messages of enlightenment
That could not have come before
Not until you had reached a certain level of advancement
And the universe has sent you a feather
A gift, a sign, a bright beacon of your progress.


Fluttering prayers of supplication
With an undeniable unction in your spirit that prompts you to speak
'Those things that be not as though they were'
Utterances deeply felt throughout the universe
Spoken by you and spoken to.
Spoken from those in distant lands through you,
Through a channeled frequency that’s tried and true.


Falling in fields and meadows
On a stoop where an old man sleeps


on highways, floating on golden ponds


In the precious silent solitude of the highest mountain peaks


Down and in the midst of the hustle, bustle, and busyness of Time Square


And dancing in the air as a babe in awe points and stares


On cars, mailboxes, and windowsills,
Yet not too late or too soon did any feather arrive
But just at the precise time to meet and greet its passerby.
Or in time to stand still, exchanging its cleanliness for a dirty wetness, and decay.
That bought an even more meaningful sign to the spiritual seeker on a Vision Quest that day.

And on a cool brisk October morn

As the gusty winds simultaneously blew a feather in
As the doors to the Cathedral opened
And just as the violin and the organ began to speak their melodious symphony.


Born on birds of prey, of birds in water, of the field, and air
The chosen ones will separate and find their way to a new calling
On their celestial middle path where all things transcend and are reborn again.


Falling, calling your attention to a knowing;

That angels are walking with you and that

Clarity is yours now and the corridors from your spirit and soul that lead back to you are open

And at this moment you possess a deeper and higher overstanding of many things.

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