In The Soup Of Life

I have really missed Steemit so much.

I know many of you have wondered where I went.

I have been dealing with an illness that has been ongoing for 10 years but it seems as of late to get worse.

Now for some good news"

• I started a new job with an International company and the training alone has left me in a state of overwhelm. But I am staying the course.

• Now that job training is behind me, its time to reflect on what my life priorities are and where I want to be.

One of those places for sure is Steemit as a Poet and Curator..these are two of many things I was put on the planet to do.

• And the last of the good news, for now, is I have a new car for the first time in my lifespan on planet earth.

I hope that all of you re-embrace me with open arms as I will all of you. Loving You Much.

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