"Horizon of Hope"


A hint of hope glows softly on the horizon's edge,
The darkness in my room keeps me restless, lying in bed.
Dreams once sweet now twist into shadows and fears,
Defeat seems certain as I tread through these weary years.

I yearn for the hope to lift me through the strife,
To live without regret for the choices of my life.
Turning every ache into a source of inspiration,
Leaving behind the fears that once held me in stagnation.

The time I lost now fades into the past,
It will not shadow the steps I take at last.
Moving forward is my chance to rise above,
A wish that makes me cherish life's raw, simple love.

We all feel the pull to spark a change anew,
To embrace a path that brings us joy and view.
A fresh light to warm my heart and soul,
The thrill of leaving the past and feeling whole.

Guide me to where my destiny gently leads,
No plans made this journey, only the heart's true needs.
A vision of tomorrow, a promise to renew,
The change I seek to feel life’s beauty through and through.

Have a great day!

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