Wake Up My Good Friend (an original poem)

I cannot conceive
Nor can I believe
The delusion
Most people are under

They can't understand
It's not a free land
It is tearing my
Poor soul asunder

They FB and bleat
Then switch to a tweet
Spouting the
Government's words

The left and the right
Collude through the night
To make sure your dreams turn to turds

The people distracted
News overreacted
They lead them like
Lambs to the slaughter

But CNN said
Pay up or we're dead
So we indebt our
Son and our daughter

This ruse needs to end
Wake up my good friend
There is a better
Way forward

If we all stick together
Then Hell can we weather
And have better goals
To look forward

It all starts with you
And what you can do
To make yourself
More free

The people all one
Then justice be done
A happier world
We will be

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