Struggle To Break Free

Like a ball tossed around, it moved from side to side, back and forth looking for a balance.
As a tool in the hands, preferably the legs of a player, it's wheeled to whatever direction the player wishes, either through mud or dry grass.

Am i worth it, is my world void?
Can I make it, can I be like him or her?
Am I loved, can I trust? Can I really be great?

All this & more, it rolls about seeking for answers, believing that one day, in an hour, minute, second, it will be relieved of the great burden.
After being kicked, thrown, bounced, tossed, it finally crossed the threshold of suffering, agony, trauma, low self-esteem to the place it yearned for.
Yes! I'm special, talented, gorgeous, brilliant, fabulous, I can't be someone's counterfeit...


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