System abuse - Some free flowing inspired writing from 6 years ago

There is a dream in which everyone lies.

A world of wonderful secret realms of fantastic fiat money and wealth

From this dream every night you wake up

You then explore the realm of the unforseen where symbols are words and archetypes are images of hidden exposure of colors and imagination of divine creation of will

For steering the rainbow cruise down the river of thoughts, ideas and fantasies one may overflow out of the limbo paradise of blackout darkness.

Amazing as you dream might be, each day you go back to sleep and get back on the cruise you've always been sailing.

For this ship has been flowing through the midst of the waters since the begining of time...

Go back to sleep now and arise in his dream, go forth and do what your told, repeat, repent, repeat everyday the same hypnotical, mechanical, serial blows to your own free will given time and life windows.

I know it may be hard to swallow, but this fat blue pill of illusions has been shoved down your throat since the day you left the bay.

Welcome to the industrial-corrupt democratic-exo-capitalistic-fascist-reptilian-fabric-martial-system MACHINE!

This system has but one flaw. It ain't there to serve your best interest.

It has been imposed unto you, perfect engineering of false beliefs, lies and deceit.

Always there to guide you into a pit of flames, debt and shame.

The system will break you, you'll be left alone, naked you will stand in the darkness, blinded by deceit you will accuse the world of conspiring against you.

From this misery will the system feed on. It will loan you temporary relief, but soon will come back to collect.

Money does not bear interest in the system, all it wants is your life essence.

It'll claim your person and will wave your benefits for it's ownership in your position as a slave.


It's foundation is void from any form of sustainable interactions of good intention.

It's layers are interwoven in a monopoly of central conttrol of power and money.

It's agents are deluded in fake ideas of superiority and merit, for they really fear of having a small dick.

The system will change you, it will twist you, lie to you, transform you into a fear driven, ego fantastic euphorically psychopathic guilt free and greedy slime bag.

It extorts you from your humanity.It feeds on your evergrowing insanity.

It dwells on your ignorance of your own super relativity, intrinsic superiority and forgotten value of potential infinity.

But wait, didn't I say the system had but one flaw?

In order for the system to operate functionally, it needs your knowledge free, fear driven, authoritarian influenced given consent.It doesn't matter if you say no, they'll snatch your essence the moment you give them your tacit aquiescence.Now break free, sit back and relax, listen to the silence and experience the full infinite potentiallity of this manifest reality filled of wonders and spectacles in exchanges of delightful interactions and intermissions of beautiful intentions.

Let your light shine far and let yourself live the dream so you may let your spark become a star.

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