
I have the wings
but I cannot fly

When the stomach was empty
the winds were sharp and taut,
the heart throbbed
with the desire to gather food

I have taken the flight for sustenance I flew with the winds with birds

But the moment
the stomach was full
Wings grew flabby
the desire to fly dimmed

the body has turned blue
as if the poison has entered the veins
It stinks now
the songs within have it's cadence

The will to go back to the nest
What wish
what longing
the new nest has entered my bones like mercury

Now Whenever the flock of birds flies over my head
winding its way to its home
a crane falls apart writhes in my chest

In the backyard of my house
when birds twitter in the evening
the ambers under my feet start emitting fire

I then
like the Ostrich ashamed over its feathers
Bury my head in the sand
mourn like penguins
beating its feathers on its stomach

I steer into dark nights
fire in the grave stuns and leads me astray
the roaring seas of the heart
pierce the splitting waves and surge
the voice of dead souls begin to reverberate

Before the nights prevail on the scene
when fire again hides in the graves
my heartbeat stops for a while

Then I think
why these souls are not at peace
when they are not blessed with salvation
what graves await them!

All of a sudden
in the dazzle of mercury lights
Like a traveller
I search the pockets of my present
and desperately try to board the departing train of time
I run frantically with all these feathers
I cannot fly

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