Forgotten face at the bottom of the heart... - ORIGINAL POEM


Forgotten face at the bottom of the heart
a lonely memory buried through the past
someone's sadness left behind
blurred emotions that came back
a desire that was wished to fade
a day when love became a shame
hopeless wish to turn around
a wave of regret that we tried to hide
foolish wanting to change the past
self disgust that made me lost
Careless times I didn't use
child lost in illussions of this world
a goodbye that was never said
a sudden ending that we didnt planned
Need for care that was labeled wrong
A chance for love I didn't took
chance that was suppoused to stay
chance that passed away with ease
took by yesterdays wind
so fast, as if it was never here.

Written while listening to an amazing music: "Erik Satie - Gnossienne No.1"
And inspired by my dad's death.

Photo and poem made by me.

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