His Star

His Star
© Butch Dias 12/25/2010
Christmas 2010

Oh, little star in the dark of night,
Shinning so bright with all your might.
How did the Wiseman know what to do?
To leave their home far away to follow you.

Traveling for miles, oh so very far,
Because they knew that you were His star.
They studied books of prophecies of old,
Touching their heart, did what they were told.

As we read in Mathew chapter two,
They looked for the newborn King of the Jews.
They saw His star way in the east,
Found Him in a manger made for beasts.

Beams of light from you were hurled,
Displaying the new born light of the world.
The sky illuminated with God’s glory,
I wish I was there for this amazing story.

Seeing you they rejoiced with exceeding great joy,
Entered in, fell down, and worshiped the boy.
Opening their treasures, presented gifts to Him,
Not knowing that one day he would die for their sin.

So reading the story, there is one thing I know,
I must be a light to the Savior to show.
Just like the star, I must show today,
The little boy Jesus, He is the way.


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