Part #3 of Hafez Shirazi poems in English

Hi Steemians ,Hafiz is one of the famous and old poets of Iran ,and Here is the third part of his poem


That beautiful Shirazi Turk, took control and my heart stole,
اگر آن ترک شیرازی بـه دسـت آرد دل ما را

I'll give Samarkand & Bukhara, for her Hindu beauty mole.
بـه خال هـندویش بخشم سمرقند و بـخارا را

O wine-bearer bring me wine, such wine not found in Heavens
بده ساقی می باقی که در جنت نخواهی یافـت

By running brooks, in flowery fields, spend your days and stroll.
کـنار آب رکـن آباد و گلگـشـت مـصـلا را

Alas, these sweet gypsy clowns, these agitators of our town
فـغان کاین لولیان شوخ شیرین کار شـهرآشوب

Took the patience of my heart, like looting Turks take their toll.
چـنان بردند صبر از دل که ترکان خوان یغـما را

Such unfinished love as ours, the Beloved has no need,
ز عشـق ناتـمام ما جمال یار مستغنی اسـت

For the Perfect Beauty, frills and adornments play no role.
بـه آب و رنگ و خال و خط چه حاجت روی زیبا را

I came to know Joseph's goodness, that daily would increase
من از آن حسن روزافزون که یوسف داشت دانستم

Even the chaste Mistress succumbed to the love she would extol.
کـه عـشـق از پرده عصمت برون آرد زلیخا را

Whether profane or even cursed, I'll reply only in praise
اگر دشـنام فرمایی و گر نـفرین دعا گویم

Sweetness of tongue and the lips, even bitterness would enthrall.
جواب تـلـخ می‌زیبد لـب لعـل شـکرخا را

Heed the advice of the wise, make your most endeared goal,
نصیحـت گوش کن جانا که از جان دوست‌تر دارند

The fortunate blessed youth, listen to the old wise soul.
جوانان سـعادتـمـند پـند پیر دانا را

Tell tales of song and wine, seek not secrets of the world,
حدیث از مـطرب و می گو و راز دهر کـمـتر جو

None has found and no-one will, knowledge leaves this riddle whole.
کـه کس نگشود و نگشاید به حکمت این معما را

You composed poems and sang, Hafiz, you spent your days well
غزل گفتی و در سفتی بیا و خوش بخوان حافـظ

Venus wedded to your songs, in the firmaments' inverted bowl.
کـه بر نـظـم تو افـشاند فلک عـقد ثریا را

Very little credible information is know about Hafiz's life, particularly its early part. Immediately after his death, many stories, some of mythical proportions were woven around his life. The following is an attempt at encapsulating what we know with a fair amount of certainty about Hafiz's life.


Birth Date:
Sometime between the years 1310-1325 a.d. or 712-727 A.H. The most probable date is either 1320, or 1325 a.d.

Shiraz, in South-central Iran

Shamseddin Mohammad

Hafiz or Hafez (a title given to those who had memorized the Koran by heart. It is claimed that Hafiz had done this in fourteen different ways).

Full Title
Khajeh Shamseddin Mohammad Hafiz-s Shirazi
Other variations of spelling are:
Khwajeh Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafez-e Shirazi,
or Khwaje Shams ud-Din Mohammed Hafiz-e Shirazi


He had two older brothers

Hafiz married in his twenties, even though he continued his love for Shakh-e Nabat, as the manifest symbol of her Creator's beauty.

Hafiz had one child.

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