Time of the Heart - A Poem

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Light comes as beams,
Through the dusty window,
Settling on the old oak floor,
Unkempt by it's old widow.

Colorful quilts that once laid on beds,
Have faded to a dullness,
That mimics the heartache,
That once danced with love's fullness.

Memories sit on the shelves and tables,
Tales are released with tears,
As cardboard boxes fill,
Of love captured throughout the years.

A winter's night when two lovers met,
A flame of the heart warmed by light,
Though the flame faded at times,
It was always brighter at night.

Although the wrinkles came with time,
And sweet moments slowed way down,
It wasn't enough to change the heart,
Of a man who is now renown.

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As I have gotten older, I've learned to appreciate the small joys of life like the giggle of a child, the small gestures that a spouse makes, and the time we have in general. Our expiration date is not tattooed on us and we never know when something so routine, may change our lives or the lives of others, forever. Be kind to everyone you meet, because we all go through things whether they are captured on our sleeve or our heart.

Have a great day!


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