

a near-death experience
and wildflowers
an ocean full of fish
and you point to the shark
a playful smile
lights up your face
in the face of demise
why not lay yourself down
at my feet
so that I can plant the seeds
of new flowers over you
so that the new adventures
can become reality


you became the mountain
I needed to ascend
terra incognita
awaiting exploration
a new paradigm
a new page
set against
the backdrop
of poetry and drunken words
of wine and whisky
of unhealthy food
and too much laughter
o my dear
can be forever young
when we climb the mountain
of your body



After a long day, after a cold beer, and now with exhaustion on the horizon, I penned a poem down for @urban.scout. A thousand miles away, she can merely read the words tonight. Soon, we will be able to go on an adventure again. Soon, we will be together. Tonight, the clouds rain down in a saddened state of affairs as we spend yet another day apart.

But they say, and let us believe them, that good things come to those who wait, that distance makes the heart grow fonder, and that longing breeds poetry (okay the last one I said).

It is funny how when you write a 1000 words a day, words become the enemy. The thing that was once your savior now becomes the devil. Tomorrow I will begin to mark essays. It is 50 essays of 4000 words each. I can feel my soul leave my body. Alas, such is life.

I hope you enjoyed the poem. It is a rather intimate look into my mind.

The photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300. The poem is also my own creation.

I hope you are well. Stay safe.

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