A Date To Remember

Rhonda, I wish you will hear me out
Lately, I've been thinking out loud
About how happy we used to be
Before we got stung by the bee
Before curiosity made you open the window
Just to fix your eyes on the meadow
Rhonda, so much has changed
Understanding gone out of range
The love we shared has disappeared
But if we work it. It will reappear
For sure we gave a chance to the thief
But let's view issue from a positive perspective
Falling backwards into memory
To a time when there was no penury
2009, 9th September
Is a date to remember
A day when we knew no night
Yes, our love shone the light
A day when the world went to hell
But for us, love rang it's bell
Weather was cold and rough
But we basked in the flame of love
In each others eyes, we saw hope
And to Dear John, we said "Nope"
But there came another 9th of September
Another date to remember
It was supposed to be Anniversary
But it was no longer necessary
I became John, so you said "Dear
Then my heart froze with fear
Oh God! Something has happened in heaven
Once, twelve disciples, now eleven
Pieces of my heart landed near my knees
For when I looked down from the hills
At noon, I painfully saw your heart
Conveyed in a two-horse cart
Everything crazy and breakneck
I could only say "what the heck"
The Prince of Wales is a bitch
Before he came, there was no hitch
Everyday used to be Christmas
But the bitch planted his baited maze
Alas! My Rhonda swallowed the bait
Now the lunatic smiles. Damn it!
This is not what we planned, Rhonda
You saw a greener pasture yonder
Our love found no space in Abraham's bossom
Yes Rhonda, because you chose Sodom
A moving lorry, on it smiling faces
But inside, pains at different phases
I know the offer was tempting
You pressed the breakup button
Maybe you thought our future bleak
And maybe indeed I was weak
I couldn't fight for what I treasured
I couldn't even stand the pressure
Then I was weak, thank God now I'm strong
There was no melody, now I've got a song
I can't believe the story You And I Apart
It's like Theatre of the Absurd, a farce
Yonder is a melee, full with so much noise
But I know you can at least place my voice
Break away from the melee let's go
Please Rhonda, don't tell me "No"
Let's go to a place where we can think
Into the oblivion, let the past sink
Today is 9th September
Let it be another date to remember
Give me still another chance
Chance to feature you in a dance
Close the distance between us
Let's tango to a two-man chorus
Take my hand let's sing together
Till the very day after tomorrow
Let's our lungs, by our breath, be saturated
Let's our hearts, by our eyes, be illuminated
Let's embrace and be lost in each other eyes
Let's the heat melt away the ice
Only you can fit in the picture
Rhonda, together we have a future
A future stretched into infinity
So let our love song ring throughout eternity

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