The poem "His interests"

The poem "His interests"
Forget your worries ... forget your blood
Forget until your mother tears
And Ija Saleh
They will come and say to you
Forget the oppression ... to taste it
My movements
Forget the darkness
Forget the horror ... that he lived
Ben Janat
Forget the story of Al Roumi Tower
With the vanguard
Forget your comrades ... who call
By the flock
Ins "rock" and "youth" and "campus"
Pop, fijel and police
Forget about life
Tammato ... I am a fighter in the structures
Forget his glory ...
And Eja Saleh
Igo and tell you
For your country ... and even to eliminate terrorism
We have to declare it as an emergency
No sit-ins ... no march ... no strike
We are awake and silent .. The children of the dog
The children of the dog
You are in compensation
And ... we are dying of dust
So watch out for terror
Who is .. planted a terror?
Who is .. They supported terrorism?
Yachai walkers .. old strife
Day to say "and similar in the mountains"
"His movement in the mountains"
Stop and stated in a letter
Do not melt them ... my children
Homa is truer ... a picture of me
Because I was young
And killed my thanks .. ordered by the Mufti
And they gave away his pure blood.

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