RE: RE: Joe Rogan on Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey
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RE: Joe Rogan on Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey

RE: Joe Rogan on Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey

Men need to act as if #MaleSexuality is banned in society, because effectively it is illegal! Finding women attractive and resonding to that is criminalized in countless ways. Unlike men, women are encouraged and empowered to express their sexuality openly and it is all coded as "virtuous": their #NaturalFeminineHypergamy constitutes their sexuality and it is ethically perverse to say the least.


BUT GUESS WHAT: WHAT MEN FIND HARASSING ABOUT WOMEN'S SEXUALITY is not the same as WHAT WOMEN FIND HARASSING ABOUT MEN'S SEXUALITY. I know crazy right... but it is true. And our society seems to value a woman's sexual chastity more than a man's basic rights.

The majority of women are not sexual like men -even though we are constantly fed this lie. Men have twelve times more testosterone pumping in our bodies and it is so strong that our species has bounced back from near extinction a number of times! There are in fact some species, like grey rhino, that refuse to mate in captivity. For human males that much testosterone has a huge effect on how we exist as sexual beings. Human males can be under tremendous stress and have sex with their most hated female partners, doing things which they would not do after they orgasm.

Women's sexuality is not at all the same, they find sex challenging when under stress and can find physically unattractive males attractive if they find them to have power, provision, male utility and protection a turn on. Most women do not have a sexual responses to dick pics or male nudity; they find these things funny and respond in culturally coded ways as "sexy", but they do not at all respond to it like men do to female nudity: I guess you can say that the female response to male nudity and is culturally contrived.

Western women are free to sexually harass men when they size up a man's wealth, or comment on how men need to treat them to gifts, open doors, pay for dinner dates, protect them when they are physically fighting men, or when they feel threatened by things, etc. For women their sexuality is completely built into traditional values and rituals.

Their unnatural interest in uncommitted sex without the #SlutShaming culture response is problematic and is actually something they can't help but perpetuate themselves, since these types of activities actually devalue feminine sexual market value for all women in general. You can actually follow a woman as she unconsciously shames other women's sexuality, even if they are "open minded" most times.

Woman are allowed to go along with what can later be called a criminal act, "sexual harassment", but they are not actors in the crime and are treated as though she had no agency or responsibility to say "do not touch me like that" and pull away... I think before women start ruining men's lives in mass, they should ask themselves if they should have focused first on learning how to clearly and unambiguously, say no in all situations they put willingly themselves in. How can the majority of women claiming sexual assault and harassment by Harvey Weinstein find themselves in his hotel room, when everyone in Hollywood knew him well? Did the actresses managers just not know themselves? Look they knew they had to sell their sexuality, as women often do to get favors from men. Now this does not mean women can't actually work for men to get what they want. It's just that it's much easier to "get along" and later advantageously press sexual assault or rape charges -it's like free money and free attention. If in the process of using their sexuality to get what they want, the men come to expect more than the women are willing to trade, this becomes legally tricky for men only. But this is the trick played on men by a society that claims itself to be patriarchal.

Women seem to not fear men when they are overtly attacking men aggressively attacking men in family courts, it is in these times that women are empowered and fearless. Yet it is handy to put yourself in a private hotel room and say "out of fear I was silent" and, magically, we now have a naive victim who lacked agency or prudence. In short, we live in a culture that allows women to play the innocent victim card without any personal accountability.

In fact a man and a woman can both be drunk at a crazy uninhibited frat party and yet the man is a sexual predator for actually wanting sex, but the woman is too drunk to be accountable like he is: Conversely, a woman can get away with assaulting men, sperm jacking, extorting, promoting misandry and being overtly hypergamous by treating men like their personal assistants. I ask you what is the difference here between subjecting women to men's sexual objectification (which is actually honest because it is just about the sex) and women subjecting men to their sexual objectification ( male utility, provision, protection, etc which is soft prostitution). Well there is a difference and we can clearly see that men's sexuality is actually honest in it's expression, yet it is criminalized. While women's sexuality is dishonest more like covert-prostitution where their sexuality is given in exchange for material gains, without the man suspecting that they don't or can't really care for them. The only reason to be sexual with anyone is because your attracted, not because they care useful later. Yet aging we see in a gynocentric culture, women get to guilt men with the absurd notion that they used them sexually, when it is clear that many women trade sex for countless favors which is why it should be seen as soft prostitution not as loving romance or a good marriage.

I personally cannot wait until men completely ignore women and go #MGTOW... I think this will be the ultimate test for their natural feminine hypergamy; because, if at the end of the day, you think you have nothing but your sexuality to trade for the economic stability men represent, and no one seems to be interested in you, a different type of fear will creep in. a real and credible threat to women's sexual value in society.

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