Hansik House 2018 Podcast Programming Update

Hansik House is a podcast and organization focused on understanding the future of Korean culture. Our work is dedicated to understanding and producing solutions to social, economic, and cultural issues.

Jumpstarting a Past Commitment

So the new year is upon us and that means kicking things up a notch! Hansik House the podcast has been a bit dormant for the past few months and it’s time to change all that. Starting January, HH will be producing at least 2 major broadcasts per month. Every 2nd Monday, we’ll release an episode of HanSpot while every 4th, we’ll do a full bilingual production of Hansik House according to a new theme.

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Here are the explanations for each type of broadcast -

Hansik House Thematic Discussions

Once a month (restarting this January), we’ll get back to the core of Hansik House programming - tackling a major societal theme and digging deep in both Korean and English. The bilingual approach allows us to take a two-pronged approach to the subject - exhibiting the Korean-American side things to Korean mainlanders and vice versa. This makes for two unique conversations and episodes on each topic.

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Here are some examples of conversation episodes in the past -

Episode 5: Democracy
Episode 6: Progress
Episode 7: Celebrity

HanSpot Words of the Month

HanSpot is a series of shorter episodes that introduce the listener to one unique word that is quintessential to contemporary Korea. In every language and country today, there are certain terms that are rooted in an exact Zeitgeist that it’s almost impossible to literally translate without a full contextual analysis.

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The best example I can think of in the American English environment today is “woke” that is inseparable with from identity-politics in the US. These terms need more of a holistic explanation of origin and use to be fully understood since they are strange mixtures of existing words or completely new ones with little self-identifying rationale.

Here are a few examples of words that I’ve recorded about and explained in previous posts -

Episode 9: Webtoon
Episode 10: Ahjae
Episode 11: Power-Tripping

Future Plans

Hopefully, this is just the start to a more major commitment to cultural radio. As more opportunities arise to pursue different formats such as group discussion and interviews, I’ll be posting all along the way. Thank you to those who have listened in the past and I hope you continue to engage in the coming year!

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