It's a Podcast!

I've been wanting to get a podcast going for sometime now, but haven't had the gumption until recently. Presently there are only two episodes available - and the first is just a pilot so... - but new episodes will be released on Tuesdays. And you will be hearing from some of your favorite Steemians.

As you might imagine, the podcast will interview individuals involved in the homesteading and homeschooling movements in an attempt to gain insight into how others run their micro-programs so that we can all learn from each other. I have recorded a good number of episodes and I can tell already that my interviewing skills have started to get better, so stick with me and give it a listen.

Each episode will start out discussing an article from the internet, or some sort of interesting, unique, informative website or program that homesteaders and homeschoolers might find useful or informative. After that we will get into an interview. My first interview was with Miss Elizabeth Melton of Sixpence Farm. Check out the show notes for all the details, and put the rss feed into your podcatcher to subscribe to all future shows. (The show will be on iTunes soon, but as of writing, Apple is still in the reviewing process.)

RSS Feed:

Sow seeds of liberty so we can all reap sheaves of freedom together.

doge - DDAJMYvKMiZtGNsEXyfNw4GaagvSrL4QYE
ltc - MTndBdTmzE9CyPEJak8PJPyZfYE3uCyJFD
btc – 3MTXSsDkhpzDsmPZhxGUj2BRDNS4K6Wnvw

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