[S1W1] Quick Debate on the tribe {Is Age differences in Relationships important}.

So, this year I would be lunching debates to keep up with involvement in the tribe and having everyone to have an opportunity of earning by just giving a point of view about the topic.


I would be releasing topics weekly and making sure it would be a topic that gets you all whiling to participate in😉.

Regards can come from curations and traffic you pull through your content. Have fun and reason deeply before you share.

Present Debate challenge [Week 1 Season 1].
Is age really a factor in courtship between two people or it’s just the general mentality of a guy being older than his woman, making it a taboo for ladies to get older than there husbands 🤷‍♂️.

I wouldn’t take much of your time.

If your woman should be older than the man. Pick an Hi! and give reasons.
If your man should be older than the woman give a Yeh! And give reasons to your answers.


  • No insults or personality about the debate.
  • Have fun sharing your points.
  • Be free with what you feel

Please NOTE: There are no bad ideals and this debate is just to lighten up the community and give wisdom to the early couples and the experienced couples.

Please debates can hold in the comment section and rewards can be gotten by how people understand your point of view😁.

Have a nice one wonderful people of this great tribe.

Thank you has you participate and learn throughout the debate.

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