Christmas puzzle. Win 200 POB

Happy & Merry Christmas, everyone.

This photo was made this morning, without any particular reason or goal.
After about one hour I posted it along with one of my curation comments, asking if readers could guess who exactly is in this photo, and win a small prize.
Not sure exactly why, but it did not receive many responses. Maybe because it landed in a small tribe's, not very active comment trail.
Naturally, very limited visibility
So finally, I decided, why not make it as a separate Hive post, and raise the prize a bit higher.


So here is your puzzle task:
You got to guess correctly, who's feets are shown in the above picture, and name them all in a correct order (hive accounts, left-to-right). Do this, and a 200 POB tokens are yours.
(payout in Hive, or LEO, by middle ask/bid price is possible too, on your personal request.

All these five captured persons have Hive (& steem) accounts.

A few hints, which may be helpful.

  1. The photo was made today, in the morning of the first Christmas day
  2. All them are my family members
  3. These persons are not so active bloggers as I am, however still have made a bunch of posts each (in no particular order):


Depending on how much interest (and progress) this puzzle gets, there may come additional hints, and even prize increase.
So even if you have no clue, and/or are too busy today for trying to solve it, it may be worth to bookmark it and come back later.

Good luck !


You can make more than one guess. Once I see the correct answer - I will tell you.
I check this post many times a day. Only the FIRST correct answer wins.

All your reblogs of this post are welcome.
If you come out as winner, and you have rebloged this post - your prize payout will be boosted by +10%

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