Why do the Lizard People want Wars on Planet Earth ????

I am reading many comments from people on Social Media stating that this War has been started by the global Elite, Rockefeller family and Lizard People ??? WTF ?

Lizard People ???

What is this all about ?

I had no idea what the Lizard people were up to until I started reading about them.

This is what I learned…

What is a lizard person?

It's just what it sounds like.

Lizard people are cold-blooded humanoid reptilians who have the power to shape-shift into human form. According to David Icke, a new-age philosopher and one of the most prominent theorists in the lizard people game, these creatures have had their claws in humankind since ancient time, and world leaders like Queen Elizabeth, George W. Bush, the Clintons, and Bob Hope are all lizard people.

"Encroaching on other conspiracy theorists' territory, Icke even claims that the lizards are behind secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati," Time reported.

Source: https://www.vox.com/2014/11/5/7158371/lizard-people-conspiracy-theory-explainer

People really believe this stuff ?

Seriously ?

What’s next ????

Apparently 12 Million Americans believe in these Lizard People.

Lizard people control politics 4 percent 12,556,562

Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/04/12-million-americans-believe-lizard-people-run-our-country/316706/



Source: Lizard People Search on Google .. they are everywhere

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