INSECTS | POBphotocontest

Very interesting #POBPhotocontest this week and contest topic is INSECTS. I am not comfortable with Insect photography and main reason of this is that to get some decent close shot needs micro photography. In micro photography you need some steady hands or tripod so mostly insects are very fast so it is a hard task. Still I am lucky to capture some insects' close shots. My first picture of cockroach was taken in my washroom sink. This cockroach got stuck in that position so I got time to capture few micro close shot. As these photos were taken with hand held camera so not lucky to get clear shots as using very low depth of field.

In next pictures I took few clicks of bees as these bees live around us so every photographer must try to capture these free models. Another every photographer's dream capture is a honey bee on flower. I succeeded in that but still because of depth of field and hand held position bee is not all focus. Hope some day I will learn the art to photograph these insects in control environment.

In this section I am sharing few pictures of butterflies and moth. Another photographer's favorite subject to photograph. These butterflies' colors attract a lot as every butterfly looks different and unique. In the last showcasing few pictures of grasshopper and snail. As these two insects are also hard to capture as grasshopper is mostly active at night and snail is mostly seen in rainy season and has very short span of life. Hope pob community would like these photographs and also comment some feedback. Thanks


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