Pluralistic Society 多元化社会

We are now living in a pluralistic society. And pluralistic society is diverse with people free to choose their beliefs. I once met a few friendly young adults at a buffet breakfast. One of them is wearing a shirt with a pluralistic logo. He didn’t mind I took a photo of him focusing on his shirt. He admitted that he has his own religion although wearing the pluralistic shirt.

How should we live with people and relate to them in our pluralistic society today?

First, we have to acknowledge freedom of belief is a universal value, and we can respect others for their choice of belief without the need of compromising our own conviction. Certainly we cannot expect other people’s beliefs should match ours. For example, if we are seated with people who have the practice of saying a prayer before taking meal. We can choose not to pray if it is not part of our belief system. However, we should respect the people who pray as long as they are not praying with loud voice or with gestures that may disturb or interfere our movement.

Secondly, we should understand every religion has its own claims and some claims are exclusive and different from other faiths. And we need to have a broad mind that allows people to make their own religious claims, as long as such claims do not conflict with the universal values such as filial piety and loving our neighbours. Also we should not feel offended by their claims. After all, most claims are not verifiable here and now in a strictly technical sense. For example, if a religion states that the only way to heaven is through its faith. No one can effectively dismiss it nor prove it as it is yet to take place. Even though the believers of such faith may claim that it has taken place, it should be regarded as only their conviction.

Thirdly, we have to learn to agree to disagree. We can dialogue with people of different faiths without the need of changing our conviction. Even if we change and it should be our choice. Certainly, dialogue or sharing our faith should never become an attempt to impose upon or compel others to follow ours. And it should totally be forbidden to use any violence to infringe the right of the followers of different faiths.






The logo of the shirt that reflects pluralistic society.

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