Yes You can

Sometimes you will feel “this is enough, I just want to
quit everything”.
Sometimes you will feel “That guy/girl is handsome/
beautiful and I am ugly as hell”.
Sometimes you will feel “Everyone around me has job
and I am jobless”.
Sometimes you will feel “I loved him so much but why
he betrayed me. “
Sometimes you will feel “I wish I could have bike so
that she will love me”.
Sometimes you will feel “why I am so lonely, why does
they come and left us alone”.
And this sometime gives you pain, makes you weak,
makes you think a loser.
But wait before feeling above sometimes try to feel
these sometimes.
Sometimes when you will feel this is enough and want
to quit “just think once for those who still do anything
to make their life happy, then you will get to know life
is not for ending yourself, it is for creating a history. “
Sometimes when you will feel you are ugly “just think
once for those disable ones who always wants to be
beautiful but society judged them to be a ugly, at least
you have a face, you have legs, you have hands, you
have eyes, where you can see yourself, where your
family loves you no matter how you are.”
Sometimes when you will feel you are jobless ”just
think once for those poor ones who beg or work for the
one day food, who always practice their daily needs to
be fulfilled, who give their time getting one night dinner
,who knows how to fight with this life. Who are the
living legends”
Sometimes when you will feel you lost them “just think
once, there are people who are single and happy. You
don’t need someone to be happy. Someday you will
need who will understand you , care you, will walk with
you but that is not always possible. You have to walk
alone, Stop crying for those who betrayed and leave
you, someday they will know that pain when their loved
ones will leave them.”
Sometimes when you will feel damn I don’t have a bike
“just think once, you are not alone who have not these
accessories, don’t complain yourself about your bad
status. It doesn’t matter whether you have bike or not,
if you will love someone and when you will get the love
back then these things doesn’t matter at all. Bike
doesn’t shows you a rich guy. And those who will run
for bike are not yours. One day when your bike will not
exist the loved person will disappear.
Sometimes when you will feel you are lonely,”just think
once, at least you have parents, at least you have
some friends who still want to join your company. You
are not alone, everyone is there but what is your
mistake is you never believe in good friends. You want
to make those swag types of friends who just love to
show off and in the crowd of bad ones good ones lose
expectation to be with you. Never lose them“
Break this sometimes and enjoy your life with a big
smile, showing BIG FU to the pain. 

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